How This Works

The whole idea of this site is to get a consensus on a cigar from multiple experienced reviewers without them knowing what they are smoking. Often people have preconceived notions about cigars, whether good or bad, based on their brand or vitola. Sometimes people get stuck in the habit of only smoking certain brands they know they like, or are afraid to try new ones. The hope is that this blog will broaden smokers horizons and possibly get an appreciation for cigars they would have written off or not tried otherwise. There may also be surprises the other way, we may review a cigar that most people think is synonymous with greatness only to find it’s overrated.

To achieve these reviews, we un-band the cigars, put only a number on them, and ship them off to our panelists. Then, each reviewer completes a pre-made form that was created with a scoring system, and room for notes. We then compile the numbers using all that statistics stuff we learned in high school that we thought we’d never use like Standard Deviation, and Outliers, and we get a total average for each category and a weighted total score. We then pick out trends and consistent things we see about the cigar in the reviewer notes and add that to the review.

Rating Scale

99-100 = Epic
96-98 = Extraordinary
94-95 = Excellent
92-93 = Great
90-91 = Very Good
88-89 = Good
84-87 = Fair
82-83 = Subpar
79-81 = Mediocre
75-79 = Poor
70-74 = Bad
below 70 = unsmokable

If you have any questions or suggestions, you can contact us at: