Luciano Cigars introduces the "Underrated" cigar line in collaboration with NBA icon Ron Harper, aiming to offer a quality smoking experience without relying on fame.
C.L.E. Cigar Company introduces Asylum 12 2024 at the PCA, featuring unique tobacco from their South American farm and revamped packaging, available in May or June.
Fratello Cigars announces "Concealed Carry Cigars," a unique six-part small batch series, debuting at PCA24 in Las Vegas. The series promises a historical journey through exclusive blends available to select retailers from March 23, 2024.
Aganorsa Leaf announces the Aganorsa Leaf Arsenio cigar line, honoring the legacy of Arsenio Ramos, at the 2024 PCA Tradeshow, featuring limited production sizes.
Artista Cigars rolls out two line extensions and a new value cigar, Art-56, enriching their portfolio and offering distinct experiences for aficionados.
Black Label Trading Co. announces 'Orthodox,' a bold Nicaraguan cigar, debuting at PCA Las Vegas. Handcrafted in Esteli, with robust flavor and intricate complexity.
Altadis U.S.A. celebrates H. Upmann’s 180th anniversary with a limited edition cigar and humidor, set to unveil at the PCA Trade Show in Las Vegas.
Quality Importers unveils CONSPIRACY® CIGARS, blending innovative packaging with Ernesto Perez Carrillo's expertise, offering two wrapper options and special SWAG.
United Cigars releases the La Gianna Havana 30th Anniversary cigar, commemorating three decades of tradition and excellence, debuting at the 2024 PCA Show.