Michael Herklots‘ Ferio Tego brand is set to bring back the first of the old Nat Sherman brands to the market starting with Timeless. The first two Timeless cigars to see market are Prestige and Sterling, both are available for order immediately for retailers. Both lines are rolled in the Dominican Republic by Quesada Cigars. This announcement follows on the heels of last months news that the company would be releasing their first new blend and limited edition in October.
Our commitment and the commitment of our manufacturing partners is to continue to deliver premium cigars of the highest quality and equally important consistency. The Timeless Collection blends are the same, and what matters more, the experience of the blends are exactly as they were, and the manufacturers who have been carefully crafting these blends since their inception remain unchanged.
Michael Herklots, co-owner of Ferio Tego, LLC.
Timeless Prestige was first sold in 2012. It uses six tobaccos from three countries including a Honduran wrapper, Dominican binder, and filler tobaccos from Dominican Republic and Nicaragua. The cigars are offered in boxes of twenty cigars and will be initially released in the following sizes: Gordo (6” x 60, $12.00), No. 2 Torpedo (6.25” x 52, $11.50), Churchill (7” x 48, $11.00), Hermoso (5.5” x 54, $10.50), and Robusto (4.75 x 50, $9.50).
Timeless Sterling came out in 2013 and uses an Ecuador-grown Connecticut wrapper with Dominican fillers and binder. It is sold in boxes of ten cigars, and the initial offering of Sterling includes: Churchill (7” x 48, $14.50), Corona Gorda (5.75” x 46, $13.50), Robusto (4.75” x 50, $13.00), Dalias (6.5” x 43, $12.75) and Marevas (5.5” x 42, $11.50).
We have been working very thoughtfully and diligently, together with our manufacturing partners as well as our distribution partner, Davidoff USA, to make sure we’re doing everything the right way. Ferio Tego is steadfast in our long-term vision. Our portfolio is thoughtful, incredibly diverse, and consistent. We intend to create and maintain experiences that cigar enthusiasts can depend on year after year.
Michael Herklots, co-owner of Ferio Tego, LLC.