General Cigar has detailed a new cigar from Punch called “The People’s Champ.” This cigar was created with input from thousands of Punch fans called The Punch Brotherhood, an online-based group of Punch brand enthusiasts from across the US.
The People’s Champ project started in 2019, with the Punch brand and cigar-making teams in the U.S. and Honduras gathering feedback. Three years later, The Punch Brotherhood has given input on everything from the profile and the size of the cigar to its packaging. The size chosen for launch is a limited edition robusto that measures 5 x 50 and sells for $6.49.
We asked. They told. We crafted. This is the best way to describe how The People’s Champ cigar was created. While some may say we spent a lot of time on such a limited run of cigars, we beg to differ. We learned so much from Punch‘s most devoted fans, and those insights will be incredibly valuable in guiding us on future releases.
Punch brand manager John Hakim
The People’s Champ is rolled at HATSA in Honduras. The blend features a five-country blend, starting with a Honduran Habano wrapper from the Talanga Valley, Mexican San Andrean binder and fillers from the Dominican Republic, Brazil and Nicaragua.
The People’s Champ is a brick and mortar exclusive that will be sold to a select group of Punch retailers across the country. The cigars will be available in both 5 and 10-count, paper-wrapped bundles which will ship to retailers on June 1. More of the cigar’s imagery will be revealed at that time via the Punch website.