Lampert Cigars will now be available in the Canadian market due to a distribution agreement with Canadian Craft Cigars which is owned by cigar enthusiasts Barry Hannah and Kent Plosz.
Villiger Cigars announced agreements with Casa Turrent and Brigham Enterprises Inc. to distribute their cigars in Mexico and Canada. Casa Turrent, owned by Alejandro Turrent is a grower, manufacturer, and distributor of cigars in Mexico. Brigham Enterprises Inc., established in 1906, also shares a century’s worth of tobacco history, first as pipe makers and later to become a distributor of cigars in Canada.
Casa Cuevas Cigars has announced that the Casa Cuevas brand will now be available in Canada. The news comes by way of a new distribution agreement with Canadian Craft Cigars owned by cigar enthusiast Barry Hannah and Kent Plosz. Canadian Craft Cigars specializes in distributing boutique cigars.
Crowned Heads will be going North. The Nashville based cigar company has formed a distribution agreement with Brigham Enterprises, Inc.
Jericho Hill, Le Carême, and Four Kicks are slated to be the first offerings released in Canada by Brigham Enterprises, Inc. These are scheduled to release in May 2018.