"This was a well-performing cigar with a medium to full-bodied experience. This cigar smoked wonderfully construction and draw-wise, however, the variety of flavors exhibited in this cigar were a bit sparse and stuck mostly with the pretzel-like oak-like sweetness. Being fairly linear, this cigars profile will not distract from the medium and full-bodied cigar smokers as it provides plenty of flavor to keep you coming back for more." -John A. (Bostoneo)
Joya de Nicaragua is celebrating Central America’s Bicentennial with a new Limited Edition Cigar: Dos Cientos. This month is the 200th anniversary of Central American independence from the Spanish empire. Following independence in Latin America and throughout the Caribbean, the American Revolution and French Revolution, Central Americans won their right to self-government and began the process of creating the nations of Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua and Costa Rica.