Towards the end of 2020, Joya de Nicaragua and Cigar Dojo collaborated for the first time on a new cigar, the Joya Ninjaragua. The cigar was sold exclusively through Smoke Inn and came in unique triangular-shaped packs of 6.
For the first time, Cigar Dojo and Joya de Nicaragua are collaborating on a cigar: Joya Ninjaragua. The blend has been in the works for over two years, making it the longest project Cigar Dojo has worked on before releasing. The first test blends were given out at a Cigar Dojo-led Drew Estate Cigar Safari, where a group of roughly 15 Dojo members (including myself) were given three test blends. Those members then provided feedback and the most popular blend was then tweaked several more times until the final blend took shape.