Cigar News: Jas Sum Kral Announces Tyrannical Buc

Cigar News: Jas Sum Kral Announces Tyrannical Buc

Cigar News: Jas Sum Kral Announces Tyrannical Buc JSK () has announced a new cigar: . Included in the press release was this definition of tyrannical:

ty·ran·ni·cal /təˈranək(ə)l/ adj. 1 exercising power in a cruel or arbitrary way 2 characteristic of tyranny; oppressive and controlling The introduces brothers and sisters of the leaf to a style of power so intoxicating, it is guaranteed to rule even the most independent of palates.

This description was also given:

May we introduce to you the newest addition to the highly-rated line, the . Fresh from the gifted intellect of creator , this first-rate cigar yields a true power house blend of entrancing flavors and palate-pleasing complexity perfectly suitable for veteran smokers. For those of you about to treat yourself to this smokable JSK delicacy, prepare for a cigar that packs a punch so draconian, even Ivan the Terrible cowers under its hazy clouds.

No blend info is being given at the time, but The will be made in two sizes a 4×48 rothschild and a 6.5×50 .