Cigar News: Dunbarton Announces Polpetta - Event Only Cigar

Cigar News: Dunbarton Announces Polpetta – Event Only Cigar

Cigar News: Dunbarton Announces Polpetta - Event Only Cigar Next year, Dunbarton Tobacco & Trust will have an event only cigar called “Polpetta.” The cigar measures 4X48 in parejo shape and is made using the long leaf table trimmings from three of their current blends.

has played with this idea in the past and made a few blends, but now the company uses enough Broadleaf to make it a regular item. The will not be sold, but only given as Event Only Bonus Cigars. Saka noted that if resources are available, it may be regular production in the future.

Polpetta translates to “meatball” in Italian.