Caldwell The Industrialist has been announced as a limited-edition release exclusive to Cigora, a digital platform, run by STG (parent company of General Cigar and Cigars International) that curates special premium cigar offerings for discerning smokers.
Caldwell The Industrialist is rolled at HATSA in Honduras. The blend uses a Connecticut Shade wrapper, Connecticut Broadleaf binder, and a blend of Honduran, Nicaraguan, Dominican tobaccos.
Caldwell The Industrialist represents a commitment I share with Cigora, and that is to bring to life exciting releases that fill a gap in the boutique segment of the market. With the Industrialist, I identified the need for a box-pressed Connecticut that is as complex as it is approachable. I married the blend with a name that speaks to the inspirational nature of cigars, and with imagery that’s meant to spark conversation.
Robert Caldwell
The cigar comes in one size, a 6” x 50 toro. Caldwell The Industrialist is available in a five-pack (SRP $52.99) and a 20-count box (SRP $199.99).