C.L.E. Cigar Releases TAA Exclusive Cigar – The C.L.E. Azabache
Miami, FL – C.L.E. Cigar Company is launching a new TAA exclusive cigar this year at the TAA convention in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico; the C.L.E. Azabache. Azabache, which translates intojet black, is a glistening coal that is often used in jewelry in the Cuban culture. This medium to full body Maduro cigar is delightfully creamy and will be available only to TAA members.
“Last year we released the Asylum Nyctophilia at TAA. This year we decided to showcase a cigar under the C.L.E. portfolio. I can’t wait to get there and show or friends and customers what I have been working on this year. ” says Christian Eiroa, founder of C.L.E. Cigar Company.
This limited production line will only have 320 boxes per size available. The cigars will be wrapped in beautiful Mexican Maduro wrapper, delectableHonduranbinders and delicious Honduran, Nicaraguan, and Peruvian fillers.
These box pressed cigars will be hand rolled in the Aladino Factory in Danli, Honduras, and available in three different sizes which include; 50 x 5, 54 x 6, 60 x 6. The cigars will be tissue wrapped with C.L.E. and TAA logos showcasing their TAA exclusivity and be packed in gorgeous 25 count boxes.
The MSRP for these cigars will range from $7.00 – $9.00 respectively.
C.L.E. Cigar Company will also feature some other new products to the Asylum and C.L.E. brands during TAA this year; the new Asylum 13 Connecticut as well as new Asylum 13 Toro sizes will be added to the Asylum portfolio. Also, the rebranding of C.L.E. Cigars and Eiroa Cigars will be revealedanddebut of the C.L.E. Prieto cigars and C.L.E. Chele cigars.