Cigar Dojo has another exclusive collaboration this year, this time with one of the largest cigar makers in the world, Davidoff.
The unique cigar blend is created in collaboration with Cigar Dojo, one of the most recognizable brands in the cigar media industry with a vibrant and loyal cigar community following. Known for its engaging cigar blog and digital app, Cigar Dojo sets the standard for cigar reviews and ratings, and is the social hub for cigar smokers around the world.
“Cigar Dojo has released some legendary collaborations, but we have never done a true celebratory cigar. And if we are going to do it, you know we are going to do it right – which is why we are proud to collaborate with Davidoff on this exclusive project. This is a superior blend that features deep, rich flavors that have the ability to transform any occasion into a celebration.” – Eric Guttormson, Owner of Cigar Dojo.
This cigar is blended by Davidoff Master Blender Eladio Diaz. The blend uses features an Ecuadorian wrapper, Dominican binder from the Yamasá region and filler tobacco from various regions of the Dominican Republic. The cigar is rolled in one vitola, a 6×52 Toro. Only 300 boxes will be available at launch and will go on sale through the Davidoff of Geneva online store on November 8th at 12 EST.
From 12-5 only cigar dojo member will have access to buy, then it will be available to the public and a small number will be going to Davidoff of Geneva retail locations nationwide. The later release in Davidoff of Geneva retail locations allows Cigar Dojo members early access to the cigars through online orders. The total run of individually numbered boxes, including those available online and in Davidoff stores, is limited to 500 boxes of 10 cigars. It has an MSRP of $20 per cigar.
Also on November 8th, the Davidoff of Geneva Tampa store will host a launch party to celebrate the cigar with a special event from 6pm to 10pm. MasterSensei Eric Guttormson and Davidoff Brand Ambassador Klaas Kelner will be present at this party. There will be a live podcast review at the bar, along with a special selection of pairings, including a perfectly paired crafted cocktail.