Cigar News: Famous Smoke Shop Announces the Release of their Newest Exclusive Cigar Immortal
Cigar News: Famous Smoke Shop Announces the Release of their Newest Exclusive Cigar Immortal

Cigar News: Famous Smoke Shop Announces the Release of their Newest Exclusive Cigar Immortal

Easton, PA — Famous Smoke Shop is a leading online distributor of discounted premium cigars. The company specializes in offering the web’s widest selection of cigars at the lowest prices.

Cigar News: Famous Smoke Shop Announces the Release of their Newest Exclusive Cigar Immortal
Cigar News: Announces the Release of their Newest Exclusive Cigar

Famous has just released a new cigar line in collaboration with the esteemed cigar company. was formed under the watchful eye of Nestor who is regarded as one of the world’s leading experts on tobacco and blending cigars. The new release is the highly anticipated Cigar, and they will be exclusively available at . The first shipment is on the way to the company’s warehouse and is currently available for pre-sale on their website. The company has expressed that the new brand will be available in limited quantities, but is not a one-time release and will be a consistent offering for the foreseeable future.

The Immortal Cigar is the first release under the new brand’s umbrella, with a new blend designed to provide sophisticated and complex flavors to satisfy every cigar smoker’s taste buds. This blend will be made in small batches and production on the brand will be limited.

cigars utilize a heavy hitting blend consisting of a complex mixture of all Nicaraguan tobaccos, from its mix of longfiller tobaccos, binder, and wrapper. But perhaps the real story lays in its utilization of all Ligero tobaccos in its core. The result of this blend is a full strength cigar with complex flavors, with a rich and slightly spicy flavor to round out a customer’s smoke. Already hailed as a home run under the name, it seems as if this cigar will soon take the industry by storm.

“Wow, is this ever a flavor bomb,” exclaimed editor and cigar reviewer Tommy Zarzecki. “I mean, I’ve smoked strong cigars in the past, but this one is close to taking the cake. The utilization of all ligero tobaccos is something that is rarely done in this industry because it’s typically so heavy. But the blender was able to find tobaccos from all over , more specifically the three main regions of Esteli, and the Condega and Jalapa Valleys, and combined them in a way where you get a strong cigar while allowing a true tobacco flavor shine through. It’s complex, it’s flavorful, and it’s strong. In my book, that’s the perfect recipe for a cigar that offers pure relaxation after a full meal or at the end of the day to help unwind.”

cigars are available in four sizes – a 7 x 50 Churchill, a 6 x 60 Magnum, a 6 x 52 , and a 5 x 54 Robusto. With Famous’ full box discount pricing, customers can enjoy this new offering with individual retail prices which range from $2.60 to $3.12 per cigar. People interested in learning more about cigars or should visit or call 800-564-2486.

Contact information

90 Mort Drive
Easton, PA 18040
Cory Grover

Cigar News: Announces the Release of their Newest Exclusive Cigar