Luxury Cigar Club has a traditional cigar club model with subscriptions and the ability to outright buy cigars, but also takes things a step further with exclusive in-house brands as well as working with larger manufacturers to get exclusive sizes and blends of their cigars. Their latest in-house brand is called “Hangry.”
Hangry is made by Martinez Cigars out of New York City. Avid readers of this blog will recognize the name as we have reviewed a few of their cigars.
Here is the story of how this blend came about:
We first heard rumors of how amazing the cigars being rolled in the heart of New York City are from a few of our Luxury Cigar Club members. We continued to hear about the cigars, and our interest was piqued. Finally we learned that several of our LCC members would be headed to St. Louis for a Martinez cigar event, and our tickets were booked that same day.
Meeting Dave, Christian, and the rest of the Martinez team felt like coming home for a Thanksgiving dinner, Just like a reunion with distant family, and the cigars, ohhh man the cigars, they were amazing! That very same day in late October of 2020 Dave and I sat down and talked. One of the things that came out of that conversation is the reason for this letter.
As I mentioned above Ben, Dave, Jesus, and myself have been working tirelessly on this blend, and the reason we are doing it Is to both showcase some of the amazing talent that exists right here in the USA, and to offer something to our friends and members that is unique, and produced with them in mind. Jesus the master blender and owner at Martinez Cigars is the main reason for how delicious this cigar turned out, we are grateful to have the opportunity to work with some like him!
Hangry comes in one size, a 7 x 44 Lonsdale. The blend uses a 5 Year Aged Mexican San Andres wrapper, Nicaraguan Jalapa 2016 binder, and Nicaraguan Seco and Viso Esteli 2018 fillers. It comes in packs of 5 and each stick sells for $14. Production is regular, but in smaller quantities. It will ship May 2021.