MoyaRuiz Cigars announced it’s next release for this year, Civil Disobedience, an event exclusive cigar. The cigar is positioned as aresponse to the new FDA regulartions concerning cigars. The 5 x 50 cigar uses an Ecuadorian habano wrapper over Nicaraguan binder and filler. The company says that a portion of the proceeds of Civil Disobedience will be donated to Cigar Rights of America (CRA). The Civil Disobedience will make its full debut at IPCPR 2016. They are priced at $59.99 per bundle of 10.
The name ‘Civil Disobedience’ is the name of an essay by Henry David Thoreau, a 19th century author and philosopher. It is his image that graces the label of this bundle.
“Civil disobedience is the active, professed refusal to obey certain laws, demands and commands of a government. A symbolic or ritualistic violation of the law. Henry David Thoreau’s image was chosen because of his essay on civil disobedience which influenced the political thoughts and actions of such figures as Tolstoy, Gandhi, and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Given the current state our industry is in we feel it is our duty to release a cigar that bares this name. Civil Disobedience will be our first event exclusive cigar, only available at MoyaRuiz Cigar events.” – Moya Ruiz