Cigar News: Serino Cigars Debuts with Serino Royale
Cigar News: Serino Cigars Debuts with Serino Royale

Cigar News: Serino Cigars Debuts with Serino Royale

Cigar News: Serino Cigars Debuts with Serino Royale
Cigar News: Debuts with

has partnered with world renowned Cuban Master Blender Omar Gonzalez-Aleman to produce cigars out of his factory in Esteli, .

Omar has an impressive cigar lineage that includes blending for some of the finest factories in the world including: The ‘Cuban Partagas Factory’ as well as ‘The La Corona Cigar Factory’ in Havana, Cuba which produced brands such as Romeo y Julieta, Hoyo de Monterrey, Cuaba, Por Larrañaga, Saint Luis Rey, San Cristóbal de la Habana, and some Montecristos .

He now owns his own factory in Estelí, also named La Corona Cigar S.A. where he is blending his finest cigars to date.

Serino Royal

The ‘‘ comes in four different blends with vitolas that best illuminate the taste for each cigar. The wrappers for each blend are as follows:

Cigar News: Serino Cigars Debuts with Serino Royale
Cigar News: Debuts with

Maduro XX – Ecuadorian Habano Oscuro from Habano 2000 seed (Full Body)

Maduro – Ecuadorian Habano Oscuro from Habano 2000 Seed (Medium to Full Body)

Medio – Ecuadorian Habano Claro from Habano 2000 Seed (Medium Body)

– Ecuadorian Shade Grown (Mild to Medium Body)

They will also have a Sampler pack that includes all four blends they are debuting.

The fillers are premium 5 year aged fillers from Omar’s farm in Estelí and Jalapa, . All ‘‘ binders are from Jalapa, . Once rolled, the Cigars have been resting in the ‘La Corona’ humidor since 2014, aged to perfection.

Pre-launch and Release

Cigar News: Serino Cigars Debuts with Serino Royale
Cigar News: Debuts with

As of now, they are 4 weeks from having full production ready, and their website will be up and running in 2 weeks. The sample pack boxes they have produced contain cigars from this production. You can follow them on instagram and twitter @SerinoCigarCo