Today we are partnering with CigarsFor.Me, a new online cigar shop that is built around a personalized cigar suggestion engine : you just need to answer a few questions about your preferences and the site will show you some cigars you are most likely to enjoy. The selection is rotating and deliberately narrow as each cigar is hand-picked. Grayson Ervin, the founder of CigarsFor.Me, has three 5-pack samplers to give away to Blind Man’s Puff readers. The best part is that those 5-packs will be personalized according to your Tasting Profile.
Enter using this rafflecopter window below. After you complete your profile you will be able to complete up to 12 more entries by doing other things like following us on facebook. And some of them you can do once a day if you like.
*Note, if you have already registered for, you can still enter the contest, just log into your account and go to, your code should be there and enter as usual.