Crowned Heads has unveiled ‘Coroneta,’ its latest regular production cigar brand that breaks new ground for the company by launching with two distinct blends produced in separate factories. The ‘Coroneta’ line, drawing its name from the term for a small crown, is a dual effort with the Coroneta Habano crafted at Nicaraguan American Cigars, S.A. (NACSA) in Estelí, Nicaragua, and the Coroneta Maduro produced at E.P. Carrillo‘s Casa Carrillo (formerly Tabacalera La Alianza) in Santiago, Dominican Republic.
Jon Huber, co-founder of Crowned Heads, emphasized the novelty of releasing one brand in two expressions from two different production houses, highlighting the brand’s dedication to marrying tradition with contemporary premium cigar making. The decision to delay the release of the Habano version, which was ready in Spring 2022, underscores the brand’s commitment to the Coroneta project, eventually involving Ernesto Perez-Carrillo for the maduro version’s development.
The concept of simultaneously introducing one brand in two expressions from two different houses is something entirely first-time for us. The Habano version from NACSA was actually final and production ready back in the Spring of 2022, but we decided to hold it back. Ultimately, we felt so strongly about the Coroneta brand that we tapped the ‘Godfather of Boutique Cigars,’ aka Ernesto Perez-Carrillo, to partner with us on developing the maduro version. I think the Coroneta brand achieves what we excel at, which is, seamlessly blending tradition and history with premium modernity.
Crowned Heads co-founder, Jon Huber
The Coroneta Habano features a blend of Nicaraguan binder and fillers from Estelí, Condega, and Jalapa, topped with an Ecuadorian Habano cover leaf, under the supervision of Raul Disla at NACSA. In contrast, the Coroneta Maduro incorporates an Ecuadorian Connecticut binder, fillers from Nicaragua, Pennsylvania, and the Dominican Republic, and is wrapped in a Mexican San Andres maduro leaf, representing a cross-regional blend of tobaccos.
Both variants of the Coroneta brand will be available in three sizes named after British nobility titles – Earl, Duke, and Baron – and will come in 20-count boxes. The vitolas and their packaging feature design elements inspired by historical British heraldry, with suggested retail prices ranging from $12.95 to $14.95 per cigar. Crowned Heads plans to start shipping the Coroneta line in April.