Drew Estate Announces Goodwill Act of 2021 - Cigar News

Drew Estate Announces Goodwill Act of 2021 – Cigar News

has announced “The of 2021,” an initiative designed to honor the spirit of the 2021 Program and the DE25 Celebration by deploying a token of appreciation to those who purchased tickets to attend these events that were cancelled or postponed due to the rise of the COVID-19 Delta Variant.

Drew Estate Announces Goodwill Act of 2021 - Cigar News

Anyone that purchased a ticket from for any of the three events scheduled for 2021 (, Kentucky and Florida) or DE25 will receive a Goodwill Gift Pack featuring new and never before seen swag items that are specifically designed to lift the spirits of those who were looking forward to the event. The Goodwill Gift Packs will be shipped out by in mid-December. In addition, is immediately donating another $50,000.00 to the Cigars for Warriors program, as a mission-critical component of providing cigars to our deployed men and women overseas.

The past two years have been a challenge for CFW, as these large events act as a major fundraiser for our charity. We would like to thank for continuing year after year to step up and support the deployed men and women of this country. It means the world to them and to us. For everyone else, please visit www.cigarsforwarriors.org to see how you can support our mission.

Storm Boen, Co-Founder of Cigars for Warriors

In 2014 we created the Program with the desire to define the American Tobacco Experience while deepening the bond of fellowship between and our loyal fans. We have never forgotten that original meaning and purpose, so today during our 25th Anniversary we are most proud to present the of 2021. Thank you to everyone who has supported for 25 years, allowing us the privilege to be part of your lives and community. Please continue to show love and support of CFW because they need us now more than ever!

, President and Founder of

Anyone with questions regarding the of 2021 can email consumerengagement@drewestate.com.