As part of their 2023 new innovations program, Frontier Brands has announced the launch of VS Platinum Cigars by Frontier at the TPE23 show in Las Vegas. These hand-made premium cigars are blended with tobacco from a variety of regions in the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua. They are available in three different wrappers, Ecuadorian Connecticut, Ecuadorian Habano, and Mexican San Andres Maduro.
The packaging is designed for a variety of channels of distribution including traditional tobacconists, convenience stores, liquor and grocery stores. These 6×50 toro sized cigars are sold in 6-count boxes with each cigar individually packaged in sealed stay-fresh pouches to ensure freshness and shelf-life. According to Ryan Frailing, COO of Frontier Brands, the goal behind the VS Platinum cigar line is to provide the consumer a premium cigar experience at a retail price of $4 per cigar. “We don’t believe you should have to sacrifice quality for price.” he stated.
Given the current economic climate, many traditional premium cigar smokers are looking for more economical options. The VS Platinum answers that call by giving the consumer both quality and value in every pouch! The VS Platinum also provides brick and mortar retailers the ability to compete against aggressively priced online retailers by offering consumers a premium cigar for under $5 bucks.
Ryan Frailing, COO of Frontier Brands
The VS Platinum series is an exclusive offering from Frontier Brands in collaboration with Victor Sinclair. Additionally, Frontier Cigars offers cheroots, cigarillos, and other flavored cigars to the mass market convenience store trade. All Frontier cigars are made in the Dominican Republic.
Given the current inflationary environment, Frontier Brands is holding off any price increases in our portfolio of products by absorbing the added costs in raw materials and manufacturing to better afford our retailers more profits while giving consumers more value.