Cohiba has a new cigar for Duty Free shops around the world this holiday season: Cohiba C8. The blend uses an Ecuadorian Sumatra wrapper, Connecticut Broadleaf binder, and fillers including Piloto Cubano (1995); Honduran Olancho San Agustin (2002); Honduran (La Entrada (2011); Nicaraguan Estelí (2011) and Nicaraguan Esteli (2014), and Honduran Jamastran (2014).
The cigar came about as a results of tercios (palm bark-wrapped bales used for aging fermented cigar tobacco in some cigar factories) made of Royal Palm bark. From there the tobaccos go through special finishing in Spanish Sherry casks. The General Cigar Dominicana blending team in Santiago, DR, then picked out exceptional vintage years those bales for use in the Cohiba C8.
The Cohiba C8 comes in only 1 size, a 7.25” x 54 Double Corona. The packaging is a soft-touch red and matte silver box holding ten cigars. This presentation is a briefcase containing an ST Dupont cutter and lighter. Only 50 Cohiba C8 travel sets were made and go on sale at U.S. Duty Free locations this week. Each set carries a retail price of $2,499.99.