Gurkha Cigar Group Unveils Holiday Sampler - Cigar News

Gurkha Cigar Group Unveils Holiday Sampler – Cigar News

Cigar Group International is introducing a new sampler, timed for the holiday season, offering a distinctive gift pack for their fans.

Encased in a black hexagonal design, the sampler features 6 size cigars accompanied by a double blade guillotine cutter. The selection includes well-known favorites such as the Cellar Reserve 15 Year, Cellar Reserve 18 Year, Cellar Reserve 21 Year, 35th Anniversary, Dragonfly, and Colección Especial .

Among the featured cigars, the Cellar Reserve line has long been a staple, while the 35th Anniversary Cigar was specially launched this year to mark the 35th year of Cigars. Notably, the sampler introduces cigar enthusiasts to an exclusive European offering, The Dragonfly, along with a yet-to-be-released cigar, the Colección Especial .

This 6-cigar sampler, bundled with a cutter, is now shipping to retailers across the United States and will be available only while supplies last.