J.C. Newman Cigar Co.’s latest cigar, José Gaspar Cigars, combines two of Tampa’s world-famous traditions, cigars and Gasparilla. Since 1885, Tampa has been known as “Cigar City.” Starting in 1904, pirates began invading Tampa and throwing a large festival called Gasparilla. Now, two, J.C. Newman Cigar Co. is combining both traditions by releasing José Gaspar cigars.
José Gaspar was one of most feared pirates in the Americas. Sailing from his base near Tampa Bay in the late 1700s, he terrorized the Gulf of Mexico and amassed a great fortune. Gaspar celebrated victories with a bold and flavorful cigar. This cigar honors his legacy and the tradition of Gasparilla.
Drew Newman, fourth-generation owner
In 2022, J.C. Newman will release 10,000 José Gaspar cigars. The 2022 version will come in one size, a 7′ x 50 Churchill. The blend for José Gaspar uses a sun-grown, Ecuadorian Havana-seed wrapper. No other blend info was given in a press release. The cigars come in packs of 5 each with an MSRP of $40, or $8 a cigar.
José Gaspar cigars will only be available at the following locations in the Cigar City of Tampa, Florida:
- Casa de Montecristo
- Cigar Castle
- Cigar City Brewery
- Davidoff of Geneva Since 1911
- Edwards Pipe and Tobacco
- Grand Cathedral
- Hotel Haya
- J.C. Newman Cigar Museum and Factory Store
- JR Cigars
- King Corona Cigars
- Tobacco Depot
- Vincent & Tampa Cigar Co
“When pirates invade Tampa and parade down Bayshore Boulevard on January 29, they will be enjoying José Gaspar cigars,” said Newman. “Just like the pirates of Gasparilla, however, José Gaspar cigars will sail out of Tampa Bay at the end of January and will not be available again until next year.”
Shortly after J.C. Newman Cigar Co. relocated to Tampa in 1954, leading cigar makers invited the late Stanford J. Newman to become a pirate and join the Ye Mystic Krewe of Gasparilla, the organization that hosts the annual Gasparilla celebration. This invitation was a symbol that J.C. Newman had been welcomed and accepted into the cigar community in Tampa, which was then widely recognized as the fine cigar capital of the world.