The latest cigar joining the long list of exclusive 50th anniversary celebration cigars from JR is none other than the Herrera Estelí by Drew Estate. This special version of the Herrera Estelí brand is not just a new size, it is a special blend, made just for this project.
The JR Cigar 50th Anniversary Herrera Estelí was, of course, blended by Drew Estate Master Blender Willy Herrera. The cigar is rolled at La Gran Fabrica Drew Estate in Estelí, Nicaragua. The blend uses an Ecuadorian Habano wrapper, Honduran binder, and Nicaraguan and Honduran fillers. Drew Estate does not typically use a lot of Honduran tobacco, so this blend is definitely something different for the company.
Fifty years is an unbelievable achievement and one we are proud to be a part of. We knew we had to do something unique and truly special to stand out and we definitely accomplished that.
Willy Herrera, Drew Estate Master Blender
The JR Cigar 50th Anniversary Herrera Estelí comes in one size, a 7 x 48 Churchill. It comes in boxes of 10 and only 500 boxes were made. Each cigar will sell for $13.25 or $119.95 for the box. These go on sale today only at