JR Cigar is releasing a Sampler of all their 50th Anniversary cigars, just in time for the holidays. Over the last 12 months, JR Cigar has released a series of limited, special edition cigars in conjunction with some of the worlds leading cigar manufacturers to celebrate 50th years in the business.
The JR 50th Anniversary Sampler will include one of each of the following cigars:
- Romeo y Julieta Edicion Limitada JR 50th
- Crowned Heads Mother Church
- Aging Room Quattro Nicaragua JR 50th
- Aganorsa JFR Lunatic JR 50th
- Alec & Bradley Wagyu A5 JR 50th
- Davidoff JR 50th Anniversary
- JR Ultimate 50th Anniversary
- Oliva V Melanio JR 50th
- Foundation El Güegüense JR 50th
- Rocky Patel A.L.R 2nd Edition JR 50th
- Herrera Esteli By Drew Estate JR 50th
- Dunbarton Limited Edition “EM” Maduro JR 50th
In addition to these 12 cigars, the sampler also will include a gold plated JR 50th Anniversary lighter. The sampler comes in custom made box of which 300 were made. The magnetic 50th logo on the front is a fully functioning cigar rest. The sampler will sell for $199.95 per box and available December 8, exclusively at www.JRCigars.com.