JR Cigar continues to celebrate their 50th Anniversary with their latest cigar, a special version of one of their most popular house cigars, the JR Ultimate. For this special release, they partnered with AJ Fernandez to make the JR Ultimate 50th Anniversary.
The JR Ultimate goes back nearly 40 years and is one of the most popular house blends in the country. While the original JR Ultimate’s are considered a higher-end budget line, this Anniversary edition takes it into the premium category.
“The JR Ultimate’s have been a part of our history almost since the beginning, We wanted to keep the traditional character and style of the brand, but offer a more complex and refined blend. We could think of no better person to bring this vision to life than AJ Fernandez.”
Davide Moro, CEO for JR Cigar.
JR Ultimate 50th Anniversary is rolled at Tabacalera AJ Fernandez. The blend uses an Ecuadorian Sumatra wrapper San Andrés binder, and aged Honduran and Nicaraguan fillers. It comes in boxes of 10 and in one size, a 6 x 54 Toro. This limited run will not be made again. Each cigar will cost $9.99.