La Flor Dominicana La Nox Toro - Blind Cigar Review

La Flor Dominicana La Nox Toro – Blind Cigar Review

Cigar Info

has carved a distinctive niche in the cigar market with its line, debuted by , son of the company’s founder, Litto Gomez. First presented at the 2015 IPCPR Convention & Trade Show, , which translates from Latin to “the night,” was immediately noted for its innovative packaging and complex blend. The initial offering was a 6 1/2 x 50 , utilizing a maduro wrapper, a binder, and fillers from ‘s La Canela farm in the . This blend promised a rich, layered smoking experience, marked by a dark profile and robust flavors.

This cigar was reviewed blind (no bands) by a panel of at least 4 reviewers. They did not know what they were smoking beforehand. The scores are an average of all the reviewers' scores with outliers removed. All of our cigars reviewed are shipped to the panelists with Boveda packs to ensure optimal smoking experience.

The packaging of set it apart, featuring a striking round, black box that utilized magnets rather than traditional hinges. This creative choice underscored the brand’s emphasis on aesthetic distinctiveness and functional innovation. The cigar itself was positioned as a regular production item, available in boxes of ten, which helped establish it as a staple among enthusiasts seeking depth and character in their smoke.

While subsequent releases like the Petite have catered to those preferring a shorter duration smoke, the original size remains a benchmark for quality in the line. Its consistent blend of , Mexican, and Dominican tobaccos delivers a smoking experience that balances strength with intricate flavor notes, making it a preferred choice for those who appreciate its craft and the narrative behind its midnight-inspired theme.

Vital Stats:

Length: 6 1/2″
Ring Gauge: 50
Country of Origin:
Number of reviewers: 5 (Eulogy) (Bostoneo) (quinnpins269) (randobush) (Jokey Smurf)
Price: $11.00
Age: 8 Months
Release Date: September 2015
Contributed by: Blind Man’s Puff

Initial Impressions – La Flor Dominicana La Nox Toro

Appearance: 92

“Quite a bumpy and toothy wrapper on this cigar. It had a fair amount of veins throughout as well. The wrapper had a nice cocoa brown hue to it and the single cap finished off the presentation nicely.” – (quinnpins269)

Aroma: 89

“The aroma on this sample is rich with composted earth and strong sweetness at the wrapper. At the foot the aroma is much lighter yet still sweet.” – (Jokey Smurf)

First Third
– Blind Cigar Review

First Third

Flavor: 93
Strength: Medium
Body/Complexity: Medium

“The first third of this cigar smoked fantastic. The profile had a very nice mix of white pepper and baking spices throughout. The smoke had an almost leather aroma and texture to it.” – (quinnpins269)

“Let’s start this bad boy! Upon lighting up I am greeted with dry notes of sweet cedar, a minor amount of black pepper teamed up with a creamy finish, both in the nose and mouth. Moving further in, stark white ash begins to form as sweet black licorice & marshmallow-like flavors begin to compound upon the previous flavors. Delicious leather medium-bodied flavors come out to replace for the former profile as I end this third in bliss as massive amounts of smoke spewing from the foot.” – (Bostoneo)

Second Third
– Blind Cigar Review

Second Third

Flavor: 93
Strength: Medium-Strong
Body/Complexity: Medium-Full

“The middle portion of this cigar has the white pepper fading, and the mineral and tea notes coming to the front. I am getting a tingling sensation at the back of my pallet that I am equating to a cayenne pepper sensation but not pepper flavor. Through the nose the smoke is the same as the initial third being slightly peppery.” – (Jokey Smurf)

“The retrohale is still on point with a butterscotch-like baking spice, salted butter & nuts. The finish has gone from medium-long to a flat medium flavor profile, not lingering on the palate as long, in between draws. The burn has been meticulously even, and the very white with grey tinted ash is hanging on at 3”.  – (randobush)

Final Third
– Blind Cigar Review

Final Third

Flavor: 91
Strength: Medium-Strong
Body/Complexity: Medium-Full

“There is a honey mouthfeel with the smoke. Notes of tobacco, baking spice, chocolate, black pepper, and a touch of mineral round out the last third.” – (Eulogy)

“Rounding out this cigar the final third did not disappoint. The earthy and rich mineral notes of the front were joined by a nice bit of salted peanuts and pepper on the retro-hale. It was a very nice balance to finish out this cigar.” – (quinnpins269)

Overall Impressions – La Flor Dominicana La Nox Toro

Draw: 93

“The draw was totally acceptable on this sample but not without fault. I needed to cut a bit more of the cap than I prefer and as a result, I had to deal with an unraveling wrapper as the cap moistened. All in all, it was good, but could have been better.” – (Jokey Smurf)

Burn: 94

“Not much of an issue here except for a bit of uneven burn with the filler, however, this self-corrected overtime.” – (Bostoneo)

Construction: 93

“The cigar had a nice firm pack to it and the construction was on point. I did not have any issues while smoking.” – (quinnpins269)

Overall Strength: Medium-Strong
Overall Body/Complexity: Medium-Full
Experience Overall: 91

“I would really like to try this again to see if the draw was better. This was a very mild but dynamic profile that required a lot of attention. It isn’t a cigar that you will want to light up while doing something but if you have time and want to really enjoy a cigar this is it.” – (Eulogy)

“Overall, this was an excellent cigar. I’d smoke this cigar over and over and over if they are this consistent stick-to-stick. Wonderfully medium to full-bodied flavors ranging from leather, sweet cream & fig, chocolate bar to cedar notes dominated this cigar with perfection. Construction was also top-notch as the slightly loose draw allowed for maximum flavor output without it ever getting harsh. Completely nubbable and I’d be proud to give this cigar to anyone to enjoy. Two thumbs up!” – (Bostoneo)

“I found myself really enjoying this cigar. The profile was right up my alley and the flawless construction added to the overall experience. Very happy to have smoked this cigar and look forward to adding it to my rotation.” – (quinnpins269)

“This cigar had noticeable tasty transitions in between thirds. In the first and second third, the flavors were very distinguishable and noticeable when they became more prevalent or faded away.
In the final third, most of the profound flavors, such as butterscotch, baking spice, charred Oak, and butter, had all but faded away. Overall I would say, I enjoyed it and would smoke again, but it would not hit my box purchase list.” – (randobush)

“The initial flavor profile was quite nice on this sample but sadly the finish left me feeling unsatisfied and frustrated. I can only assume this sample was impacted by the fact the cigar kept going out during the final third and required multiple relights. As it is, the initial flavors make me want to try another to see if what I had was an anomaly.” – (Jokey Smurf)

Smoking Time (in minutes): 71


To view the complete scores and notes, click here

La Flor Dominicana La Nox Toro – Blind Cigar Review

La Flor Dominicana La Nox Toro
"I found myself really enjoying this cigar. The profile was right up my alley and the flawless construction added to the overall experience. Very happy to have smoked this cigar and look forward to adding it to my rotation. " -Quinn (quinnpins269)
FIrst Third
Second Third
Final Third
Overall Experience