RTB Aria Edicion '83 Connecticut - Blind Cigar Review

RTB Aria Edicion ’83 Connecticut – Blind Cigar Review

Cigar Info

Originally called Concerto Cigars, the company changed their name to Cigars () in 2019 and launched two new lines, Aria and Finale. The cigars were originally made at Tabacalera G. Kafie y Cia. in Honduras, but were moved in 2021 to in Nicaraga the factory owned by Chris Weber of Veritas Cigars.

This cigar was reviewed blind (no bands) by a panel of at least 4 reviewers. They did not know what they were smoking beforehand. The scores are an average of all the reviewers' scores with outliers removed. All of our cigars reviewed are shipped to the panelists with Boveda packs to ensure optimal smoking experience.

The blend fo Cigars Aria uses an Ecuadorian wrapper, Honduran binder and fillers from the , Honduras and . The Aria comes in just one size, a 6 x 52 and has an MSRP of $10. IT comes in boxes of 10. The names Aria and Finale come from Brown’s background in music, as he is a composer, arranger and percussionist, which is also represented in the company’s logo as two pairs of drumsticks.

Vital Stats:

Length: 6″
Ring Gauge: 52
Country of Origin:
Wrapper: Ecuadorian
Number of reviewers: 5 (Eulogy) (irratebass) (Jokey Smurf) (Unpossible_1) (Bostoneo)
Price: $10.00
Age: 7 Months
Release Date: 2019
Contributed by: Cigars

Initial Impressions – RTB Aria Edicion ’83 Connecticut

Appearance: 88

“Looks well made with a large triple cap and tight seams. The wrapper is silky smooth to the touch with a tanned leather hue.” – (Eulogy)

Aroma: 90

“Hay mixed with honey on the body. Sweet tea on the foot.” – (irratebass)

First Third

Flavor: 88
Strength: Mild-Medium
Body/Complexity: Light-Medium

“The initial flavors of this cigar blast me with very strong black pepper which serves to hide any nuanced flavors. Through the nose I’m getting some red cayenne pepper notes which are nice but get my eyes watering a bit.” – (Jokey Smurf)

“Upon lighting up I am greeted with a mild-medium bodied profile of grass, leather, and black pepper notes. Adding to the mix, charred notes and toast-like flavors join the fray as there appear to be developing burn issues with the wrapper not burning as well with one side of this sample. As I near the end of this third, more grassy and earthy notes begin to become the dominant flavors.” – (Bostoneo)

Second Third

Flavor: 89
Strength: Mild-Medium
Body/Complexity: Medium

“Starting the second third, a wonderful medium-bodied experience with charred leather, earthy grassiness, and peppered cream. Whilst the flavors remain consistent, there are quite a bit of burn issues with this particular stick. This sample has a grave time staying lit and uneven burning with half of the cigar, which required multiple touchups and relights.” – (Bostoneo)

“The onslaught of bread continues, with a bit of peanut and minerals. With all the issues with burn and touch-ups, the second third is shortened.” – (Unpossible_1)

Final Third

Flavor: 88
Strength: Medium
Body/Complexity: Medium-Full

“As I enter the final portion of this cigar it is thankfully starting to burn much better and as a result, the flavors are opening up much more. On the palate, there is a cedar note that appeared out of nowhere and the finish has become buttery smooth and is leaving my palate coated with slick oils. Through the nose, the smoke is more enjoyable as well and I’m left feeling like I’ve eaten some perfectly roasted almonds. So much better!” – (Jokey Smurf)

“The final third is here and it comes in with a medium-bodied profile of toast, faint leather, and a woodsy creaminess. Burn issues continue to cause issues with proper cigar enjoyment as it remains a struggle to keep this sample properly lit. Flavors remain consistent through until the last few inches of the cigar, where it simply doesn’t want to burn on.” – (Bostoneo)

Overall Impressions – RTB Aria Edicion ’83 Connecticut – Blind Cigar Review

Draw: 86

“The bunch was a bit misaligned causing a favored side for a slightly tight draw to occur.” – (Bostoneo)

Burn: 80

“Burn is definitely uneven and may be problematic. Have you ever had a canoe? This cigar really wants to be a canoe, no matter how many times I touch it up.” – (Unpossible_1)

Construction: 78

“Bad construction equals bad burn and draw. This may have been a bad sample.” – (Bostoneo)

Overall Strength: Medium
Overall Body/Complexity: Medium
Experience Overall: 84

“The flavors were interesting and varied from start to finish. I sort of dug the vaguely floral profile. The draw was a bit of a drag along with the wonky burn. It is an interesting cigar and I would give it another chance but it isn’t something I would run out and pick up a fiver of.” – (Eulogy)

“With the cold draw I picked up hay, honey, a hint of cinnamon and some wheat. Unfortunately the cigar immediately didn’t want to stay lit and then it tunneled too much to be smokable.” – (irratebass)

“I’m so glad I was smoking this for a review because I would have ended this cigar at the midpoint otherwise. The final portion was good enough to justify my perseverance and have me the creamy flavors I was hoping for from this cigar. As it is, I wouldn’t reach for another of these, but if given the chance I would smoke it again and hope for the finishing flavors throughout.” – (Jokey Smurf)

“It’s a shame the construction really took away from what could have been a quality session. The flavor profile was never really a problem, as this was a pleasant smoke flavor-wise. Being on the lighter side, this would work well for an early morning cigar. Unfortunately, when you have to focus on the construction issues as much as I did, it ruins any chance of enjoyment. Could be that it’s a one-off and I just got lucky.” – (Unpossible_1)

“Overall, this cigar had the flavors there for an enjoyable stick, however, the construction issues that caused draw and burn issues require me to attempt another one to give a fair assessment on this cigar in general.” – (Bostoneo)

Smoking Time (in minutes): 76

Alan 909090929090909290
Mickey T. 879070707070707070
Jason H. 909088889090878787
Doug S. 858588858580757578
John A. 859588908583757780

To view the complete scores and notes, click here.

Ronald Thomas Brown II Ediciion 83 Connecticut – Blind Cigar Review

RTB Aria Edicion '83 Connecticut
"It's a shame the construction really took away from what could have been a quality session. The flavor profile was never really a problem, as this was a pleasant smoke flavor-wise. Being on the lighter side, this would work well for an early morning cigar. Unfortunately, when you have to focus on the construction issues as much as I did, it ruins any chance of enjoyment. Could be that it's a one-off and I just got lucky." -Doug S. (Unpossible_1)
First Third
Second Third
Final Third
Overall Experience