Gurkha Cigars planned to acquire American Caribbean Cigars in Q1 2018, but after careful consideration have decided to pull out of the deal. Instead, they will build their own 100,000 square foot factory for the manufacturing of premium cigars for their international markets. They expect the project to take about 2 years as location scouting takes place.
AllBlind Cigar ReviewsCameroonCraigFeaturedJason H.Leccia TobaccoNicaraguaRevisitedRobustoRonSam LecciaSandeepSun GrownWes
·"Overall, I enjoyed this cigar. It had a real good mix of being creamy with a hint of sweetness at the end of the first third, going into the second third. It had a nice amount of overall spice throughout also. The spice did seem to pick up some right towards the end. Good smoke. I would definitely smoke it again." -Wes (SosaCub4Life)