"Overall, this was a solid smoking cigar with a good medium bodied and strength-based profile. Constructions, draw, and burn performed fairly well as this smoke required a little more babysitting on the burn then most cigars do. Wonderful creamy notes took mainstage alongside leather, pepper, and nutty notes played smaller parts. This cigar is an easy recommendation or something that won’t blow your head off with big flavors, but not light enough to potentially bore you. In short, a perfectly balanced cigar to keep you interested in the nuances it provided. Two thumbs up!" -John A. (Bostoneo)
"A surprisingly good cigar. With notes of grassy flavor, I imagined the sunshine on my face and the carefree days of my youth. The hints of red pepper added a layer of excitement to the smoke and prevented a monotonous flavor experience." -Jai P. (Jai)