Davidoff Cigars has introduced a new Travel Humidor. The new product is said to meet the needs of cigar aficionados looking to travel in style, and a refined, practical and protective solution for travelling with your cigars. Davidoff worked with renowned Italian craftsman and designer Marcello Bottino to bring this new product line to life. Bottino specializes in welding techniques and innovative textile design, using new materials and solutions.
Davidoff Cigars Unveils Davidoff Tampa Exclusive: Unique Cigars Tailor Made Exclusively for New Boutique
Pinellas Park, October 23, 2015. To celebrate the grand opening of Davidoff of Geneva since 1911 Tampa, Davidoff Cigars has unveiled the new Exclusive Edition Tampa. A collaboration between Davidoff Cigars and Jeff Borysiewicz, the cigar will be exclusively available at the new boutique location opening later this year.