The Cigar Media Association, of which Blind Man's Puff is a member, is pleased to announce the First Annual Cigar Industry Awards. With the establishment of the Cigar Media Association in 2014, the 14 members involved in the association wanted to create an award ceremony where they could honor and celebrate the companies and individuals in the cigar industry. This marks the first time a collaborative effort among various brands of the cigar media have come together for such a process.
Aging RoomAllCrowned HeadsCruxCubanacanDrew EstateDunhillEpicEzra ZionFeaturedH. UpmannHerrera EsteliIconic LeafLa PalinaLeccia TobaccoMontecristo (DR)NomadPuros de BallardQuesadaRocky PatelTop 25Total Flame
·We are pleased to present our 2nd annual Blind Man’s Puff Top 25 Cigars of the Year.
This is the time of year that publications, websites and passionate cigar smokers start releasing their “Cigar of the Year” lists. Not all of these lists are created equally though, so we wanted to point out what some of the differences are, what you should be looking for and what to take into consideration when evaluating them or comparing them to other lists.