United Cigars releases the La Gianna Havana 30th Anniversary cigar, commemorating three decades of tradition and excellence, debuting at the 2024 PCA Show.
The La Gianna Havana turned 25 years old last year and got a slight packaging redesign. Now, a year later, it's getting a new blend, La Gianna Havana Angelic. This is not actually the first time the Angelic line was on the market. In 2001 it made a brief appearance, now it is being brought back with a more elegant touch.
"This was an excellent cigar that I wished I smoked and paired with coffee. It is a very nice mild smoke with plenty of cream, cedar, and nut flavors up until the final FINAL third then more wood and earth notes took flight. I am curious to see what this is and would pick up at least a fiver. " -Mickey T. (irratebass)
United Cigar has updated the look of their La Gianna line to celebrate their 25th anniversary.