"Overall, this was an okay stick, however not something I myself would seek out. While it was fairly consistent in flavor, it did switch up things to a slight sweeter note on the second half. This would pair wonderfully with a port wine, porter & stout beer with its robust flavors and sweetness options they provide. Burn, construction and draw were spot on for this sample and couldn’t of asked for much better. If you like dark, char, and a bit of chocolate covered cherry sweetness, check out this blend for your enjoyment!" -John A. (Bostoneo)
"So I must start off with this statement: I need to smoke this cigar again to get a true idea of what it is all about. That being said there are some high notes but that can not overcome the tight draw. This is the number one killer of any cigar for me. Disappointing..." -Estevan Z. (TheRealBanzi)