United Cigars releases the La Gianna Havana 30th Anniversary cigar, commemorating three decades of tradition and excellence, debuting at the 2024 PCA Show.
United Cigars has announced the Black Bomb Firecracker with a new blend, and new 25 count boxes. The company claims the original United Firecracker was first cigar on the market with a long piece of tobacco at the head shaped like a ‘wick’ or ‘fuse’ to capture its name; Firecracker. Now, the Black Bomb Firecracker adds even more power to the blend. The blend uses a Mexican San Andres wrapper, Sumatra binder, Dominican and Nicaragua fillers.
United Cigars has announced that their core United Cigars Line will now come in a traditional parejo, or round shape, along with getting an updated blend. The new format for the United Cigars line will begin shipping in Mid-April.
United Cigars flagship lines, Natural and Maduro, were originally launched in 2010. When they first came out, they were box pressed. Now they lines have been re-blended and will be offered in new parejo (round) vitolas. Prior to this relaunch, the blends had gone through some minor alterations, but this is a total re-blend.
United Cigars is bringing back an older line to U.S. shelves this year, La Mezcla Cubana. The brand first hit...
United Cigars unveils the Commodore, an extension of Red Anchor, blending a medium-plus bodied experience at the Kelner Boutique Factory. Crafted with precision, it embodies a legacy of excellence, inviting aficionados on a taste-filled journey at $750 per box or $30 per cigar.
Selected Tobacco will be bringing an extra aged version of their Atabey cigar to the PCA 2023 trade show. This comes in the form of the Limited Edition 10-Year, Extra Aged Atabey Dioses.
United Cigars is adding four new sizes to their Red Anchor for 2023. The brand goes all the way back to 1772 when Red Anchor was created by Albertus Hillen Sigarenfabriek in Delft, Holland. The brand was passed down through the family until 1890 when it was sold to Martinus Holland who continued to expand the brand into a tin format through the early 1900s until the brand went out of business in 1937.
Selected Tobacco showed off the Alfonso Añejos cigar line at the 2022 PCA trade show, and now has started shipping them to select retailers across the country. The new line was created by Nelson Alfonso of Selected Tobacco. The Alfonso Añejos joins Selected Tobacco's luxury lines: Atabey, Byron and Bandolero. Selected Tobacco was started by Nelson Alfonso to offer the market a cigar that is aged with a purpose. All the Selected Tobacco lines are placed into cedar lined rooms after they are rolled, then humidity is raised and lowered to allow the cigars to clean themselves with the cedar notes from two to five years.
The La Gianna Havana turned 25 years old last year and got a slight packaging redesign. Now, a year later, it's getting a new blend, La Gianna Havana Angelic. This is not actually the first time the Angelic line was on the market. In 2001 it made a brief appearance, now it is being brought back with a more elegant touch.