Camacho Cigars will reintroduce the Coyolar. The Coyolar is built around tobaccos from the volcanic soils of a small farm at the base of the mountains immediately bordering Nicaragua and Honduras. This mineral-rich soil imparts a unique color, texture, and flavor intensity to the tobacco. The Coyolar is a Honduran Puro and one of Camacho’s most respected cigar blends.
Montecristo Espada is described by Altadis as a spicy cigar that owes its strong, piquant character to a variety of growing regions in Nicaragua. Featuring a Cuban-seed Habano wrapper and binder from Jalapa, the cigar combines several different Nicaraguan tobaccos in the filler from Jalapa, Ometepe and Condega.
The cigar performed very well. The flavors in the first two thirds were very good with a slight drop off in the final third with some bitterness creeping in. That bitterness went away, but it still was a drop off compared to the previous thirds. I would be interested to see if the flavors in the final third improve with a little more rest. I have another sample which I will wait on for a little bit and revisit. Overall, with the good draw, burn and the predominantly good flavors, this is definitely a cigar I would smoke again.