Warped Cigars has launched Sky Moon, a cigar once exclusive to its owner, now available as a limited edition series. The blend, combining Sky Flower and Moon Garden, uses a Jalapa Shade Grown Corojo ’99 wrapper and Nicaraguan fillers. Despite a few construction issues, reviewers praised its robust flavor profile and distinctive 109 shape.
Warped Cigars has announced their latest release: Sky Moon. This cigar started as a personal blend for brand owner Kyle Gellis and was only handed out to people at events from him personally, but will now be available in a single production limited run. The cigar comes in one size, a 5.5 x 42 corona with a unique 109 cap. Kyle wanted to craft something very unique for this cigar years ago so they had a small amount of custom molds made that would allow them to create this Corona 109 and give fans something they hadn't seen for the brand before.