PRESS RELEASE: For Immediate Release Announcing the Re-Introduction of the Kopi Luwak Cigar Line. This unique cigar, delicately influenced by the finest Indonesian Coffee, was originally launched in 2009. Kopi Luwak cigars quickly became a favorite of smokers in search of a more refined, delicately infused cigar. The result is an Infused cigar that doesn’t overpower the senses with artificial flavorings.
A disruption in the supply chain in early 2015 briefly took Kopi Luwak off the market. Fast-Forward to Summer 2015. Kopi Luwak Cigars are back in production. Each Kopi Luwak cigar remains exactly the same. The blend provides intense notes of java and mocha, along with background nuances of vanilla and cocoa. It’s sure to appeal to cigar smokers who prefer both infused and traditional premium cigars. Visit Them at
There will be two sizes Available: The Luwak- 5×50 Box Pressed Robusto and the Jambi- 5×42 Box Pressed Corona.
Hand Made in the Dominican Republic, the Kopi Luwak cigar line captures the rare essence of the most expensive coffee in the world. Each Kopi Luwak cigar is made from a complex blend of long-leaf Cuban-seed seco and ligero tobaccos from the Dominican Republic, finished with a flawless Brazilian maduro wrapper. Every leaf within this blend is carefully influenced by the Master blenders of Tabacalera Palma with premium coffees from the island of Sumatra, imparting rich flavors of java and mocha, with a touch of vanilla and cocoa.
- Binder: Dominican Olor
- Filler: Cuban Seed Ligero Cubano, Dominican Seco
- Wrapper: Brazilian Maduro
The company is now taking orders for the re-introduction of the Kopi Luwak Brand.