Cigar News: Joya de Nicaragua Releases Book Called "Cinco Decadas: The Rise of the Nicaraguan Cigar"

Cigar News: Joya de Nicaragua Releases Book Called “Cinco Decadas: The Rise of the Nicaraguan Cigar”

Cigar News: Joya de Nicaragua Releases Book Called "Cinco Decadas: The Rise of the Nicaraguan Cigar" Joya de Cigars, the oldest cigar manufacturer in , is releasing a new book about how The book covers the history of tobacco from the very early days of the leaf, until today. The book covers JDN’s accomplishment of being first in , it’s success, crisis and resilience.

Cinco Décadas, will tell the story about the evolution of the Nicaraguan people, country, and the company from the perspective of Nicaraguan Cigars.

You will hear from the people that work for Joya de in their own words, how they started the country’s first premium cigar factory. The pages of Cinco Décadas are a testament to those people.

More than two years of research went into Cinco Décadas: Rise of the Nicaraguan Cigar and was put together by renowned British journalist Nick Hammond, and complemented by the country’s and region’s top talent in creativity, editorial, photography and design. “Being asked to write the story of Joya de was something of a dream come true. Finally, the chance to really get my teeth into some cigar research. To write of a cigar firm which has defied the odds to survive and thrive today. To write of a country which ceaselessly fights for a better life. And to write of the company owners – the Martinez family – whom I hold in the very highest regard. I’m very proud to have been involved in this remarkable project”, says Nick Hammond, writer.

Cigar News: Joya de Nicaragua Releases Book Called "Cinco Decadas: The Rise of the Nicaraguan Cigar" “For many people, is a newcomer to the cigar world; but at Joya de we’ve always known how deep and rooted tobacco culture has been in our history and in our identity. We wanted to demonstrate this to the world, but we wanted to do it in a remarkable way, one unlike any other cigar book out there. With Cinco Décadas our goal was to showcase the profound impact that tobacco and cigars have had in our country, in our people, our culture and in our future. It’s not a book about a person, or a family, or the process of making cigars. It’s book about all  of those things. This book allows us to appreciate cigars in a more meaningful and complete way.” – Juan Ignacio Martínez, Executive President Of JDN

Cigar News: Joya de Nicaragua Releases Book Called "Cinco Decadas: The Rise of the Nicaraguan Cigar" The book itself is 204 pages long and includes hundreds of illustrations and images in 11 chapters of text. The book takes you through the journey of , the city of Estelí, through the post-colonial era, followed by the social struggles of the 1900’s until the evolution of the Joya brand today. It also talks about the cigar making process and the social impact of the industry. It finishes with a description of how Joya de has evolved to become one of the world’s most renowned premium cigar makers.

“As we close the chapter of our first 50 years, we begin to write the story of the next five decades hand in hand with the story of our whole nation”, concludes Juan.

The first edition of “Cinco Décadas: The Rise of the Nicaraguan Cigar” will be in English and will later translated to Spanish and other languages. It will be available at Joya de events and specialty shops starting in October. At the end of the year, it will be made available online.

Cigar News: Joya de Nicaragua Releases Book Called "Cinco Decadas: The Rise of the Nicaraguan Cigar"