For the first time, Cigar Dojo and Joya de Nicaragua are collaborating on a cigar: Joya Ninjaragua. The blend has been in the works for over two years, making it the longest project Cigar Dojo has worked on before releasing. The first test blends were given out at a Cigar Dojo-led Drew Estate Cigar Safari, where a group of roughly 15 Dojo members (including myself) were given three test blends. Those members then provided feedback and the most popular blend was then tweaked several more times until the final blend took shape.
Ninjaragua is under Joya de Nicaragua‘s more contemporary JOYA series of cigars that has been around since 2014 starting with the Joya Red. The blend uses is a Nicaraguan puro including a dark Nicaraguan Habano Criollo. It comes in one size, a classic 6″ x 50 toro parejo. The cigars come in an unusual triangular pack of 6 cigars. Each corner of the triangular shape represents the relationship between Drew Estate, Joya de Nicaragua, and Cigar Dojo. Only 450 triangular packs will be sold, and exclusively through online retailer Smoke Inn Cigars.
“I’ve considered myself a Dojonite since early on. I love the community that Sensei and his crew have built and I personally carry
their badge often. Now, to be able to share our heritage exclusively with the community makes me feel not only humbled and honored, but
also excited to bring a new level of enjoyment of Nicaraguan cigars to the Dojoverse. This is a project of more than two years in the making,
a cigar for a higher rank; one that could only be achieved jointly with the Dojo.” Juan Ignacio Martínez, executive president of Joya de Nicaragua S.A.
“Getting a chance to work with Joya de Nicaragua was a bucket-list item for the Dojo team and having a group of Dojo members help with
the blend at the factory in Nicaragua makes this a very special release.” – Eric Guttormson, owner of Cigar Dojo
Ninjaragua goes on sale through Smoke Inn Cigars on Dec. 4th at 12pm (EST). Each pack of 6 cigars will cost $53.70 which comes out to $8.95/cigar. A virtual launch event will take place with Master Sensei, Abe Dababneh, and Juan Ignacio Martínez at 7pm (EST), during which, special giveaways will be made available for customers, and a very special raffle will be announced, stay tuned for more details.