Hiram & Solomon Cigars is moving production of their cigar lines to the PDR Cigar Factory in Tamboril, Dominican Republic. Previously, their cigars had been rolled at Plasencia Cigars S.A. in Estelí, Nicaragua.
This move has been in the works since 2021 when Hiram and Solomon owners, Fouad Kashouty & Romy Kashouty, began working with Abe Flores of PDR Cigars on creating new blends and created a new business relationship that allowed this move.
The company says that all the Hiram & Solomon blends stay the same.
In the new agreement, PDR will produce the full line of Hiram & Solomon cigars which includes:
- Entered Apprentice
- Fellow Craft
- Master Mason
- Veiled Prophet
- Traveling Man
- Shriner
- Grand Architect
- 300th Anniversary
- Unity