In the ever-evolving world of premium cigars, Jake Wyatt Cigar Company steps up with its latest offering, “The Icarus“. Their latest release comes in just one vitola, a 6 x 54 toro wrapped in a rich San Andres leaf, held together by a Dominican Olor binder, and filled with a unique blend that includes Tennessee Fire cured tobacco, Criollo 98, Piloto Cubano, and Pennsylvania Broadleaf. The Icarus, available in 5-packs, is priced at $59.99.
The highlight of The Icarus lies in its filler, particularly the Tennessee Fire cured tobacco, which is sourced through a direct relationship with the farm, ensuring a unique flavor profile. This new creation is rolling out of the Casamorabo Tabacalera in Santiago, Dominican Republic, and is shipping immediately to their retailer partners.