Blind Cigar Review: Espinosa Maduro Belicoso
Blind Cigar Review: Espinosa Maduro Belicoso

Vital Stats:

Blind Cigar Review: Espinosa Maduro Belicoso
Blind Cigar Review:

This cigar was reviewed blind (no bands) by a panel of at least 4 reviewers. They did not know what they were smoking beforehand. The scores are an average of all the reviewers' scores with outliers removed. All of our cigars reviewed are shipped to the panelists with Boveda packs to ensure optimal smoking experience.

Length: 5.5″
Ring Gauge: 52
Country of Origin:
Blender: Erik
Number of reviewers: 5—– (Djangos) (McGreggor57) (mdwest) (NavyPiper) (Jokey Smurf)
Price: $8.60
Age: 3 Months
Release Date: April 2013
Contributed by: Espinosa Cigars

Initial Impressions

Blind Cigar Review: Espinosa Maduro Belicoso
Blind Cigar Review:

Appearance: 93

“Appears to be a nice box presses torpedo. Toothy in spots with a deep chocolate wrapper.” – (McGreggor57)

Aroma: 92

“Pre-light aroma is of hay and grass with a good amount of tobacco and leather. Not much of sweet flavors. Dry puff mirrors these flavors.” – (Djangos)

First Third Flavor: 93
Strength: Medium
Body/Complexity: Medium

“The first third starts out great. Primary flavors include dark bitter cocoa, dark roasted coffee and rich dark earth. Really surprised at how strong this one is coming on right out of the gate from a flavor and complexity perspective.” – (mdwest)

“The first puff of this cigar was really nice…lots of sweetness and very mild spice. I could detect nutmeg and molasses…a dessert like sweetness that was very pleasing to me.” – (Jokey Smurf)

Blind Cigar Review: Espinosa Maduro Belicoso
Blind Cigar Review:

Second Third Flavor: 93
Strength: Medium-Strong
Body/Complexity: Medium-Full

“Oak and an earthiness kick of the second third. Leather and coffee make up the background flavors and add a nice richness to the smoke. At the halfway point the coffee becomes stronger and almost burnt. The resulting change brings out a little caramel.” – (McGreggor57)

“Second third slowly transitions back to a bolder black pepper along with some spice, enough to leave a little ‘zing’ on the palate. The finish lasts in between puffs. I am really, really enjoying this cigar! Draw tightened up towards then end of the third, requiring a reaming job.” – (NavyPiper)

Final Third Flavor: 89
Strength: Medium
Body/Complexity: Medium-Full

“Still getting a lot of dark earth and dark chocolate or cocoa on the front of every puff and a finish that is full of dark roasted coffee. Not a whole lot of change is present from the

Blind Cigar Review: Espinosa Maduro Belicoso
Blind Cigar Review:

second to the final third, but that is absolutely ok. The flavors are simply excellent as they are.” – (mdwest)

The final third was a combination of the flavors of the previous two thirds, black pepper, chocolaty sweetness, spice and some strong tobacco. Wow, this was terrific! The draw started to tighten up again, and it started to get a bit harsh and bitter near the end, but it was a great third and it was a great compliment to the rest of the stogie!” – (NavyPiper)

Overall Impressions

Draw: 87

“The draw was a major issue with this. I had to use the draw tool once that seemed to open it up some, but it got tight again towards the end. Probably caused issues with the burn as well as smoke production.” – (Djangos)

Burn: 88

“The burn was skewed from the outset but most likely related to the draw. No touchups were needed however.” – (Djangos)

Construction: 94

“Cigar appears to be very well made. Cigar is straight and even on all four sides with a great box press to it. Seams are tight and well blended. This cigar feels very heavy and densely packed.” – (NavyPiper)

Blind Cigar Review: Espinosa Maduro Belicoso
Blind Cigar Review:

Overall Strength: Medium-Strong
Overall Body/Complexity: Medium-Full
Overall Experience: 90

“Overall, the experience was watered down due to the draw issues as well as the lack of change in the flavors. I have to say that, though the flavors were not unpleasant, I would have enjoyed some more complexity to it. May try another one before calling it.” – (Djangos)

“The flavors started off OK, but soon turned harsh and bitter. Even drinking 2 tall glasses of water, I had trouble getting rid of the tar build up I was tasting. When the flavors were good, they didn’t offer much interest. I would pass on smoking this cigar again if offered.” – (McGreggor57)

“Even though there were some minor burn issues and the cigar started out with a bit of a tight draw, it was absolutely great to smoke. The flavors were simply outstanding. Perfectly

Blind Cigar Review: Espinosa Maduro Belicoso
Blind Cigar Review:

melded together, with nice subtle

transitions in the profile every couple of inches into the smoke. I’m ready to see the reveal on this one so I can go out and buy a box!” – (mdwest)

“I think this was an excellent stogie, I’d take a dozen any day! I loved the flavors, the appearance, everything! The only down side was that the draw began tightening up midway in the second third and again in the final third, and the slight harshness and bitterness at the end, but it was a pleasure to smoke.” – (NavyPiper)

“This was an enjoyable cigar, but a little mild for my preference. This would be a superb morning cigar, particularly with some coffee with cream and sugar. Not exactly in my wheelhouse, and maybe not something I would stock up on, but for sure something I would smoke again.” – (Jokey Smurf)

Smoking Time (in minutes): 82

Total Score: 91 (Very Good)

Reviewer Appea-rance Aroma 1/3 2/3 3/3 Draw Burn Constr. Overall
95 92 90 88 88 85 88 95 88
93 88 93 93 85 87 88 90 85
93 95 95 95 95 87 88 93 95
90 90 95 95 90 88 88 93 92
97 92 90 90 90 97 97 95 90
Overall 93 92 93 93 89 87 88 94 90

To view the complete scores and notes, click here.

Blind Cigar Review: