Blind Cigar Review: ted's | Made by Hand Maduro
Blind Cigar Review: ted's | Made by Hand Maduro

Vital Stats:

Blind Cigar Review: ted's | Made by Hand Maduro
Blind Cigar Review: | Made by Hand

This cigar was reviewed blind (no bands) by a panel of at least 4 reviewers. They did not know what they were smoking beforehand. The scores are an average of all the reviewers' scores with outliers removed. All of our cigars reviewed are shipped to the panelists with Boveda packs to ensure optimal smoking experience.

Length: 5.5″
Ring Gauge: 56
Country of Origin:
Filler: Brazil, and
Factory: Victor Sinclair
Blender: Ted’s Cigars and Tabacalera Leyendas Cubanas
Number of reviewers: 5—– (McGreggor57) (pmr1010) (NavyPiper) (rhetorik) (jliu) Price: $7.50
Age: 5 Months
Release Date: 2014
Contributed by: ted’s Cigars

Blind Cigar Review: ted's | Made by Hand Maduro
Blind Cigar Review: | Made by Hand

Initial Impressions

Appearance: 91

With only a few prominent veins, this cigar had a nice dark brown wrapper. No detectable sheen and ample toothiness. This was a serious looking cigar. The cap was a little askew in one place but it was stuck on well. The color was mostly even throughout the entire wrapper.” – (pmr1010)

Aroma: 89

I noticed a strong aroma upon opening my Cigar Caddy which was holding only this one cigar. Leather, leather and more leather. Not much else was able to come through because the leather was so strong – which is good!” – (pmr1010)

Blind Cigar Review: ted's | Made by Hand Maduro
Blind Cigar Review: | Made by Hand

First Third

Flavor: 92
Strength: Medium
Body/Complexity: Medium-Full

Flavors of the forest initially greet me. Damp wood and vegetation with a well balanced spice on the retrohale. Some bitter coffee and bakers chocolate begin to appear on the finish as the woods takes on a charred characteristic.” – (McGreggor57)

The first flavor I get is a nice chocolate with just a little pepper. Very nice. Soon comes a nice creamy flavor mixing in nicely with the chocolate. Towards the end, the strength has picked up a little and a nice oak flavor has joined. I really like how much flavor this cigar has without being overly strong.” – (rhetorik)

Second Third

Flavor: 93
Strength: Medium-Strong
Body/Complexity: Medium-Full

Blind Cigar Review: ted's | Made by Hand Maduro
Blind Cigar Review: | Made by Hand

The cocoa remained into the second third and the pepper tapered off in strength but didn’t decrease. The dry smoke became a little sweeter as the second third went on and developed a little creaminess towards the end. A flaky but firm ash held on for over an inch every time and the burn was even. At the very end of the second third, the creaminess became buttery. The smoke was still thick and really nice.” – (pmr1010)

Second third is less bitter than the first third, but due to the first third’s bitterness sticking to my palate, the bitterness carried its way to the second third. Body is slightly increased with similar flavors of roasted nuts and slightly sweet cream. A dark chocolate is also making its way forth.” – (jliu)

Blind Cigar Review: ted's | Made by Hand Maduro
Blind Cigar Review: | Made by Hand

Final Third

Flavor: 88
Strength: Medium-Strong
Body/Complexity: Medium

In the final third, the pepper that was just kind of hanging out and letting you know he’s there, must have took some steroids, cause it came out to the front in a big bold, strong way! This lasted for about half of the third, then slowly tapered down to where it was in the second third. Actually, that was a good thing, because even though I love peppery stogies, it was right at the edge of being overly obnoxious.” – (NavyPiper)

This third has gotten a little hot, and a little bitter. The wood has gone to more of a charred oak flavor. This third also has a bit of an herbal and earthy flavor, but nothing really stands out. Definitely liked the other thirds more.” – (rhetorik)

Overall Impressions

Draw: 90

I know, I know, it’s well known that I like a nice easy draw, but in this stogies case, it was just a skoosh too loose, even for me. I mean it was still nice, just a tad loose…” – (NavyPiper)

Burn: 91

Despite the soft spots, the burn was spot on. Nice tight ashes tapping off at an average of 1.5 inches.” – (jliu

Construction: 89

The burn issues I experienced led me to believe there may have been some deeper issues with the construction.” – (McGreggor57)

Blind Cigar Review: ted's | Made by Hand Maduro
Blind Cigar Review: | Made by Hand

Overall Strength: Medium-Strong
Overall Body/Complexity: Medium-Full
Overall Experience: 88

“The cigar began with a great profile filled with wood, grass and a bit of coffee and chocolate. The initial spice was well balanced. As the cigar progressed, the flavors became borderline harsh until some leather appeared and briefly smoothed it out. The final third was overtaken by pepper, making it difficult for any other flavor to shine.” – (McGreggor57)

“I would buy this cigar. It reminded me of an Undercrown or T52 as I smoked it because of the thick smoke and the creaminess with a nice pepper bite. I would not call it a pepper bomb because the pepper reduced and the other flavors were well defined and enjoyable.” – (pmr1010)

“Pretty good stogie. Very smooth flavors except for that period in the final third where it got pretty “in your face” with pepper, but it wasn’t for long, then it slowly went back to its very nice and smooth self.” – (NavyPiper)

“I liked this cigar a lot in the first two thirds, the last one faltered. The first thirds were fairly complex and balanced, but that all went downhill in the final third. I would definitely try it again to see if my sample was the exception, or maybe after some aging. I would buy a 5-pack to hang on to.” – (rhetorik)

“Overall, this was not enjoyable. I am fairly sensitive to picking up bitterness in a cigar. When a cigar is dominantly bitter, it takes away from the other flavors. The tongue sticking bitterness kills it for me. If I was perhaps drinking a high ABV bourbon, I may have enjoyed the cigar more solely on the belief the high ABV in a bourbon will possibly mask the bitterness. I will happily not smoke another one of these.” – (jliu)

Smoking Time (in minutes): 74

Reviewer Appearance Aroma 1/3 2/3 3/3 Draw Burn Constr. Overall
90 90 92 90 88 90 85 88 88
92 92 95 95 95 92 95 95 95
90 85 88 90 88 88 85 90 88
95 90 92 95 88 90 90 95 90
85 88 83 83 80 75 92 85 75

To view the complete scores and notes, click here.

Blind Cigar Review: | Made by Hand
Blind Cigar Review: ted’s | Made by Hand Maduro
First Third
Second Third
Final Third
Overall Experience
Total Score - Very Good