Casa 1910 Cuchillo Parado (Revisited) - Blind Cigar Review

Casa 1910 Cuchillo Parado (Revisited) – Blind Cigar Review

Cigar Info

We originally reviewed the last year and gave it an 89. Every now and then we like to go back and review the same cigar with a different group of people and see how things have changed. This is not from the same batch we reviewed before, it was sent to us 3 months ago so it was rolled at a different time.

This cigar was reviewed blind (no bands) by a panel of at least 4 reviewers. They did not know what they were smoking beforehand. The scores are an average of all the reviewers' scores with outliers removed. All of our cigars reviewed are shipped to the panelists with Boveda packs to ensure optimal smoking experience.

One of the new companies with a new cigar coming out of the 2021 trade show was . Not only is the company is based out of , but their first release, the , was a Mexican puro and rolled in . Since then, they have released several other lines, some of which are made outside of and use tobacco from other countries, such as the Cavalry Edition As de Oro which we reviewed here. The name comes from the state of Chihuahua where the Mexican Revolution started.

is a Mexican puro, which is rather unheard of these days. The cigar comes in only one size, a 5 x 50 . The blend uses a three year old Mexican wrapper, with the binder and filler all different varietals of San Andres negro tobacco that has been aged 5 years. The cigars themselves are aged for 6 months after being rolled. The factory where they are made is undisclosed, but is located in San Andres Tuxtla.

The cigars are blended by Juan Manuel Santiago Casillas. He previously worked as a marketing manager for Importadora y Exportadora de Puros y Tabacos S.A. de C.V.—the Mexican distributor of Cuban cigars He is also “Master in Habanos,” the highest rank given to graduates from Habanos S.A.’s Habanos Academy, a training program run by Habanos S.A.

Vital Stats:

Length: 5″
Ring Gauge: 50
Country of Origin:
Wrapper: Mexican
Factory: Undisclosed
Number of reviewers: 4 (maninblack77) () (Chad Tchad) (TheRealBanzi)
Price: $15.00
Age: 3 Months
Release Date: November 2021
Contributed by:

Initial Impressions – Casa 1910 Cuchillo Parado (Revisited)

Appearance: 88

“Some seams and veins noted. There is some toothyness to the wrapper with appearance but also touch. ” – (Chad Tchad)

Aroma: 89

“There are lightly sweet, earthy, and floral notes off of the foot.” – ()

First Third
() – Blind Cigar Review

First Third

Flavor: 87
Strength: Mild-Medium
Body/Complexity: Light-Medium

“There is a flavor that has some zing to the tip of the tongue. The flavor of cinnamon and coffee mixture comes through. Retrohale is strong spice a lot of black pepper spice.” – (Chad Tchad)

“There is a delicious sweet floral dry draw that makes me excited to light this cigar up. The first puffs open with that sweet floral flavor along with a bit of cedar and earth in the background. A light white pepper is also mixing in and lingering on my tongue after each puff.” – ()

Second Third
() – Blind Cigar Review

Second Third

Flavor: 88
Strength: Mild-Medium
Body/Complexity: Medium

“The flavor continues with light cinnamon and coffee but the new flavor of black licorice is just faintly noted. There still is this sharp electric sensation at the tip of the tongue. Retrohale has calmed down on the spice and is just mild black pepper ” – (Chad Tchad)

“The second third sees a return of cedar on the tongue. There are undertones of straw if you pay a little attention. In the retrohale the raw sunflower seed note continues to drive the profile. The smoke is still thin and the mouthfeel is medium. ” – (TheRealBanzi)

Final Third
() – Blind Cigar Review

Final Third

Flavor: 87
Strength: Medium
Body/Complexity: Medium-Full

“As I expected, the final third didn’t offer up any transitions that I could notice. Far too much dry grass and bitter tobacco notes that just weren’t working for me. One dimensional at best. Was thankful to see it end sadly. ” – (maninblack77)

“The spice level has intensified even more finishing with a strong pepper kick. The citrus flavor has faded out again leaving just a solid base of cedar and spice to end this cigar.” – ()

Overall Impressions – Casa 1910 Cuchillo Parado (Revisited)

Draw: 93

“The draw was clean and clear from start to finish. This allowed the smoke to cool and flavorful. ” – (TheRealBanzi)

Burn: 94

“A great burn with no delight or touch-ups. The only picky complaint would be some uneven burn lines.” – ()

Construction: 91

“Really well-made cigar. Ash stayed on for about a 2 cm before coming off. Except for the burn the cigar good from a construction standpoint” – (Chad Tchad)

Overall Strength: Mild-Medium
Overall Body/Complexity: Medium
Experience Overall: 88

“Sadly this cigar was a disappointment from start to finish. The flavor was one dimensional and the bitter notes kept popping up to create a disappointing experience. I would have difficulty coming back to this cigar for another try. Maybe my palate needs to be refreshed from all the Thanksgiving food. This smoke just didn’t do it for me.” – (maninblack77)

“I am looking forward to discovering what this blend is cause I hope to add it to my morning smoke rotation. There is a wonderful sweet floral and cedar opening with a slight white pepper spice that shifts into a black pepper and lemony citrus bite. The ending of heavier spice is a nice palate wake up to wrap up the blend.” – ()

“Cinnamon and coffee flavor is the main flavor. There is a electric/zing sensation/flavor that hits the tip of the tongue. Retrohale starts off very strong spice but then fades to nothing by the end of the cigar.” – (Chad Tchad)

“For as rustic as the wrapper was the flavor profile was rather refined. The raw nuts and spice combo kept my interest for the whole time. This may not make it into my daily rotation but I could easily see many that will enjoy it. Grab one and try it for yourself and make your own decision. ” – (TheRealBanzi)

Smoking Time (in minutes): 61

Kevin J. 878885858592958585
Lauren S. 909095959597959795
Chad M. 878885878588858887
Estevan Z. 879090909092939290

To view the complete scores and notes, click here.

Casa 1910 Cuchillo Parado (Revisited) – Blind Cigar Review

Casa 1910 Cuchillo Parado (Revisited)
"For as rustic as the wrapper was the flavor profile was rather refined. The raw nuts and spice combo kept my interest for the whole time. This may not make it into my daily rotation but I could easily see many that will enjoy it. Grab one and try it for yourself and make your own decision. " -Estevan Z. (TheRealBanzi)
First Third
Second Third
Final Third
Overall Experience