Wilson Adams Cigar Company is set to debut their first limited edition cigar, the Mr. Wilson. The official release date is May 19th, which also happens to be the birth-date of company owner, Brandon Wilson.
AllBlind Cigar ReviewsBrandon WilsonBrianEmmettFeaturedGreggHabanoJasonLanceroNaturalNicaraguaStephen MillerWilson Adams
·"I enjoyed just about everything about his cigar. The construction, burn, flavors and appearance were all excellent. I would buy a five pack and, if I get the same experience, pick up a box. A great medium/full smoke that I'd recommend to others." -Brian (B-daddy)
AllBlind Cigar ReviewsBrandon WilsonCorona GordaEmmettFeaturedGreggHabanoJasonNaturalNicaraguaRonSandeepStephen MillerWilson Adams
·"I enjoyed the flavors of the cigar,and would recommend it as a middle of the day smoke." -Ron (shuckins)