"This was a well-performing cigar with a medium to full-bodied experience. This cigar smoked wonderfully construction and draw-wise, however, the variety of flavors exhibited in this cigar were a bit sparse and stuck mostly with the pretzel-like oak-like sweetness. Being fairly linear, this cigars profile will not distract from the medium and full-bodied cigar smokers as it provides plenty of flavor to keep you coming back for more." -John A. (Bostoneo)
"This was a pleasure to smoke and was perfect to go with a cup of black coffee…until the nicotine slapped me in the face! Then a couple sips of a sugary drink fixed me right up! The smooth flavors were really nice, and the overall experience was one I’ll remember. I’m ready for another one right away!" -Jason H. (Jokey Smurf)
Earlier in the year, Espinosa Cigars decided to make their planned November in-person La Zona Palooza 2020 event virtual due to COVID, similar to 2020. Now, the company feels like it could not have delivered the kind of virtual event they would have liked and have instead oped to move the entire thing to March of 2022 and have it in-person.
"Overall, this was a wonderful, flavorful, tasty cigar. I truly enjoy a cigar with a shaggy foot that actually functions well for tasting the cigar blend without a wrapper and then have it transition into something truly magical when you get there. Big big big flavors and a great construction and draw made this cigar very desirable to smoke again and again and again…. Pick up all you can of this cigar, I can’t imagine it would stay on shelves for very long!" -John A. (Bostoneo)
"I ended up enjoying this cigar quite a bit which somewhat surprised me after the first third. Once the pepper spice began to recede and the rather generic coffee note was the only prominent flavor remaining, I began to lose interest UNTIL things turned around for the better and some new notes quickly presented themselves. When you factor in those enjoyable flavors with the overall great construction, I would smoke this cigar again." -Matt Cade (CadeTNCC)
"This cigar is one where the totality of the experience exceeds any particular portion. Honestly, I really can’t find anything to fault in this cigar. The fuller, deeper flavors were perfect for me today and the appearance and performance were remarkable. I can see where some smokers may be put off a bit by the fullness of the flavor, but the apparent lack of significant nicotine power should make this a good choice for anyone looking to venture out of their comfort zone. I’m glad I had an opportunity to give it a try and look forward to buying some in the future." -Jason H. (Jokey Smurf)
Scandinavian Tobacco Group (STG), the parent company behind General Cigar, The Forged Cigar Company, and Cigars International, have announced that Justin Andrews, senior brand manager for Diesel, is getting a promotion to New Business Development Manager of their North American Branded and Rest of World divisions, effective November 1, 2021.
"This was an interesting cigar that featured highly enjoyable flavors, nice transitions, and the finish was the star of the show… until that harshness crept in towards the end. That harsh, somewhat bitter aspect led me to slam the brakes on the smoking experience sooner than I would have liked and it’s disappointing because I was curious as to what the final act would be. Sadly, I’ll never know BUT the first two thirds were indeed very good and based on that alone I would be more than willing to give this particular cigar a second chance." -Matt Cade (CadeTNCC
"While it's been many years since I've had a steak that required smothering in a creamy peppercorn sauce, this cigar certainly invoked those same flavors. There were times, though, that pepper cream was overwhelming the other flavors. While an enjoyable cigar, I don't think it would be would I would frequent regularly. " -Isaac M. (The Nothing)
"This cigar was exactly what I needed right now. Lots of sweet creams and cedar notes to hold my attention while throwing in hints of cinnamon here and there to really keep me on my toes. It stayed right at a mild to medium in strength from beginning to end. I would definitely like to have more of these on hand, and I bet this would pair amazingly with your morning coffee. " -Mickey T. (irratebass)