In celebration of winning Cigar Aficionado’s #1 Cigar of the Year last year with the Quattro Nicaragua, Aging Room is coming out with a special edition version of that cigar in a special size. Aging Room Quattro Nicaragua Impromptu.
This new vitolas is a 52 x 6 1/2 figurado in the same blend. As before, this is a collaboration between Rafael Nodal and AJ Fernandez being rolled at Tabacalera AJ Fernandez Cigars de Nicaragua S.A. Impromptu will come in boxes of 10, and ship end of November. Each box will cost $127.50.
“Receiving the honor of #1 Cigar of the Year is an extraordinary achievement which my friend and collaborator AJ Fernandez and I share,” said Nodal, Head of Product Capability for Tabacalera USA. ”We wanted to pay tribute to this extraordinary blend by creating a very special cigar in a figurado shape, which allows the flavors of this blend to shine in an exceptional way.”
“With the Aging Room Quattro Nicaragua Impromptu, we are offering adult consumers a new opportunity to enjoy this award-winning blend in one of the most complex sizes available, which can only be rolled by the factories’ most experienced rollers,” Nodal said.