Cigar News: Entire Inventory of Casa Cuevas Cigars Stolen

Cigar News: Entire Inventory of Casa Cuevas Cigars Stolen

Cigar News: Entire Inventory of Casa Cuevas Cigars Stolen Over the weekend, the warehouse for Cigars suffered a burglary. According to a press release, the entire inventory of cigars was stolen. Miami Dade Police has begun the initial investigation into the matter.

“Our entire inventory of Cigars, including our core line of , Habano and Maduro, our Habano and Maduro Limited Edition Flacos, and our new box pressed, are all gone…” Luis Cuevas, Owner.

The press release did say that they have enough back stock at the Cuevas factory to restock the warehouse by next week.

The company is asking anyone approached anyone other than a reputable retailer offering to sell Cigars to notify the team.