In addition to banning sales and giveaways of cigars, the companies will now require that all pages posting cigar content will need to restrict their pages to 18 years of age and over. Individual users, i.e. not brand/media pages, will still be allowed to post content related to these topics, regardless of age.
These new policies go into effect today, Wednesday July 24th 2019.
The most affected groups of these new polices will be Facebook groups that revolve solely around trading cigars. There are many that do outright sales, some do trades, and some that do powerball style. This will all no longer be allowed, private or otherwise.
Facebook has disallowed the use of paid avenues of promotion on its platforms for years, but this marks a new direction limiting organic content. The company will “use a combination of technology, human review and reports from our community to find and remove any content that violates these policies,” a spokesperson said.